The Gurdjieff / de Hartmann Music

With his question regarding the sense and aim of man's existence, Gurdjieff searched through central Asia and the Middle East seeking communities or schools that preserved traces of ancient knowledge.  He gained access to a number of these schools where he was exposed to and studied music that, under the right conditions, can be recognized as being of a different nature than other music.

Piano used for Movements and music performance

Upon his return to Europe, Gurdjieff began to work with one of his followers, Thomas de Hartman, a recognized composer and concert musician.  Working together, Gurdjieff and de Hartmann transcribed the music into scores which could be played by anyone.

The music of Gurdjieff is one of the legacies left by Gurdjieff for followers of his ideas.

"Mr. Gurdjieff's music had a great variety. The most deeply moving was that which he remembered hearing in remote temples during his Asian travels. Listening to this music, one was touched to the depth of his being…"

- Thomas de Hartmann

Members of the Gurdjieff Foundation of Texas practice and perform the Gurdjieff/de Hartmann music as a form of study of themselves.  The music evokes a new way of listening from the whole of oneself, which touches the pianist as well as the listeners. The work of the group at special events and the study of Movements are supported by this unique music.